Youths, Immigrants, and Outsiders are Southern Europe’s Best Hopes

Unemployed youth, immigrants, and societies that are either outside the EU should be at the front of a strategy for Southern Europe’s renaissance. These groups have the motivation to innovate and create new opportunities for growth in the region.

Why Reinhold Niebuhr Matters for Transatlantic Relations Today

Appreciating Niebuhr today helps guard us against imagining an idyllic era in transatlantic relations that in reality never was.

As Spain Protests Austerity, Catalonia Pushes for Independence

As workers from throughout the country converge on Madrid for protests, a second, altogether different movement is gathering strength in Catalonia.

Carthaginians at the gate

After managing to handle the free movement of 400 million Europeans, the entry of 20,000 Tunisians lead Sarkozy and Burlesconi to call for the "reform" of the Schengen area.